Home page ║ Makers ║ Photos ║ Links ║ Contacts The links below will take you to web sites containing information in English on almost every beading-related issue: history, societies, stores, shows, techniques, patterns, etc. The websites have been carefully selected to represent only the most interesting and valuable, from my point of view, internet beading resources. The majority of the sites feature beautiful photo galleries and also their own link pages allowing to expand your beading horizon in geometric progression. Links to web sites in Russian are given on the Russian mirror page. Good luck in internet beading-browsing!
Auntie's Beads - beading supplies, tools, and a wide variety of beads for your beading projects, plus tips and techniques http://www.auntiesbeads.com/ Bob's beading tutorial pages - the basic techniques http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/9555/beading.htm Beadtown.com - beads, beading supplies, instructions, gallery, links http://www.beadtown.com/ Beyond Beads Gallery - unique, handmade and antique beads, beadwork, and kits http://www.beyondbeads.com/ Bead Society of Greater Kansas City - links to other US beading societies, bead stores, shows, etc. http://www.kcbeadsociety.com/links.htm TheBeadSite.com - everything about beading www.thebeadsite.com The Bead Fairies Page - one of the largest and best resources for beading links and information http://members.cox.net/sdsantan/beadfairies.html BeadHeaven - a website devoted to the Victorian craft of French bead flower making http://www.beadheaven.com/secondpage.html Beadwarehouse - complete selection of beads for the serious beader http://www.beadwarehouse.com/ The Bead Merchant - Jewelry-making supplies, seed beads, specialty beads, tools, books, color photos, online secure order system, and world-wide shipping. http://www.beadmerchant.com/ 2bead.com - Bead and jewelry components including crystals, semi precious stones, Swarovski crystals, Delicas, Japanese, African, and German vintage beads http://www.2bead.com/2Bead2/Default.asp Shanigans' Bead Shenanigans - Beadwork books and patterns, handcrafted beaded jewelry, beading classes, copyright quiz, all with Alaskan flavor http://shanigansbeadshenanigans.homestead.com/ Beaded Garden - one stop shopping for beaded flower patterns, books, kits and supplies http://www.beadedgarden.com Online Collectible Bead Auction - the Internet's premier bead auction site devoted to beads and bead related items. Features include: beading tips, monthly featured artists and upcoming shows and events www.justbeads.com Personal websites Alan & Ann Brodrick - Studio glass artists working in hot glass and beadwork http://beadwork.joust.net/ Artist/Teacher Nancy Eha - creative beading and art quilt gallery, workshops, exhibits, links http://www.beadcreative.com/ A Muse Ink. - Bead Patterns for the Serious Beader http://www.amuseink.com/ Liz Manfredini's Bead Art. - Liz Manfredini is an accomplished master of the peyote stitch and makes incredible art with seed beads http://www.manfredinidesign.com/ Valerie Hixson's Bead World - beadwork galleries, beading books, free beaded tassel instructions http://valeriehixson.com/ Wire Wizard- A variety of information about the history of beads, bead jewelry, classes and specialty tools for jewelry makers http://www.thewirewizard.com/ Rosemary's Bead Flower Garden - a bead-flower artist http://www.geocities.com/roetopol/ Beadwork by Caren - Bead Flowers and other beadwork, collection of flower patterns http://www.beadworkbycaren.com/index.cfm Dalene Isobel Kelly - French beaded flowers designer - http://www.beadedflowerpatterns.com/ Cri's collection of beaded flowers www.criscollection.net The Art of Lidia Zaretsky - My beads - gallery of bead embroidery art, history of beadwork http://www.magicbeads.boom.ru/e_moibis.htm Bead of my heart - Gallery of Linda Shea's hand woven bead sculptures http://www.beadofmyheart.com/ To be continued... |